Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Call of duty 5

After saving enough money today I have just bought call of duty 5. It is the greatest game I have played online and it is interesting to learn about world war 2 and there guns. Around 12:00 pm I left my house to go to Gamestop. They didn't have Call of duty 5 in stock so I was mad, I then went to target for a drink and I was looking at games until I notice a Call of duty 5 game in stock. I was so happy to see it until I became happier to see it on sale for $40 and it was the last game. =)

After arriving home I played all day today online and I never was tired of playing Call of duty 5. Man I love that game.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all while me and my cousins have a party

As Christmas is today I wake up looking outside and see snow that look beautiful, it look like stars. I went dowstairs to look under the tree but I didn't see anything under it. I hid my presents from my family, I gave my parents a winter sweater.

What I got for Christmas was megaman battle network #6 the last series. I was happy since I was a big fan of megaman. After Christmas am going to go get Call of duty 5 for me and my cousin. As Christmas gets dark my my family comes and my cousins come rush into my room and jump on my bed. What we did was play online and did ddr all day. What I wanted to do was to go snowboard but I couldn't afford it. I wish next year I get a drum set.

I have two words. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

snowing season

After thursday from school it started to snow, friday we didn't have school but eversince then it has been snowing a lot during the break. It was snowing but as time pass the snow has been soft changing to hard sticky snow. I love the snow and all but I don't want snow everyday for winter. Now I am thinking, if it keeps on snowing I might as well go snowboarding so I don't have skateboard pratice for a while. If any one wants to have a snow ball fight or something call or message me, by then I'll be snowboarding.